Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Domestic Battery: Heightened with Intoxicated Couples

Cases of Domestic Battery in Las Vegas are all too frequent, and they continue to rise in both the Las Vegas area and all across the United States.

Recently, a 20 year old man in Carson City was arrested for domestic battery and drug charges after he profusely beat the woman he was living with until she was bloodied in the face.

Officers detained the man, who had blood on his clothing but did not have wounds of his own. The officers then met with the mother of the victim who said the couple had been dating and that they fight and get physical often.

After the young man was arrested, the victim was subsequently arrested after yelling at the officers in regards to retrieving her keys from the suspect. Apparently, she, too, was intoxicated and opened the back of the squad car allowing the suspect (i.e. the man who had just beaten her) to flee. She was arrested for obstructing a police officer.

The incident in Carson City is just one of many domestic battery cases involving drugs or alcohol. It is widely reported that the use of drugs and alcohol cases more, and intensified, cases of domestic violence to occur.

Remember: in Las Vegas, when a domestic violence phone call is made to police officers, the cops WILL arrest one or both parties upon arrival and investigation.

If you are an individual prone to violent outburst, do everyone a favor and lay off the:

1) drugs and alcohol,

2) beating of your domestic partner/roommate/spouse,

3) combination of the above two violations of human decency.

Drink punch. Punch a punching bag. Get yourself some help with your anger management issues…and stop ruining your life and the lives of those around you.


Need help with your Domestic Battery Ticket in Las Vegas? Call our Law Office at (702) 384-1001 for a free consultation over the phone with one of Las Vegas’ best Criminal Defense Attorneys.



Domestic Battery: Heightened with Intoxicated Couples

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