Tuesday, June 17, 2014

5 Bills Supported to Tighten Up One of Las Vegas' Fastest Growing Epidemics: Sex Trafficking

Good news in Sin City: Nevada Lawmakers recently supported legislation to fight Las Vegas Sex Trafficking.

It is well known that Las Vegas is a beacon for international sex trafficking and a barrage of other sex-related crimes.

Fortunately for all innocent victims involved, both Democrat and Republican members of Congress united on this issue in order to support five new bills that update old federal laws relating to the human trafficking epidemic in Las Vegas.

Nevada politician Joe Heck recently stated to the Las Vegas Sun that, “Human trafficking is a local, national and international epidemic that must be stopped.” In a similar plea, also reported to the Sun, Democrat Dina Titus stated, “Today, we can take a step in the right direction. We can speak for those who have no voice.”

Sex trafficking in Las Vegas is big business, involving online “transactions” made on underground websites that help to churn a multi-million dollar illegal industry. One of the bills passed makes it a crime to place advertisements for sex trafficking—especially online. Another bill helped in the creation of a $25 million grant program for the Justice Department to aid surrounding communities in the prosecution of sex-traffickers. The remainder of the bills focus on support systems the victims themselves: typically girls around 13 years old.

The bills must still pass in the Senate, but it is already a great triumph that they have made it this far.

If you or someone who know is in need of legal aid from an experienced Las Vegas Attorney, contact the Law Office of Mark Coburn today at (702) 384-1001.

5 Bills Supported to Tighten Up One of Las Vegas' Fastest Growing Epidemics: Sex Trafficking

Domestic Battery: Heightened with Intoxicated Couples

Cases of Domestic Battery in Las Vegas are all too frequent, and they continue to rise in both the Las Vegas area and all across the United States.

Recently, a 20 year old man in Carson City was arrested for domestic battery and drug charges after he profusely beat the woman he was living with until she was bloodied in the face.

Officers detained the man, who had blood on his clothing but did not have wounds of his own. The officers then met with the mother of the victim who said the couple had been dating and that they fight and get physical often.

After the young man was arrested, the victim was subsequently arrested after yelling at the officers in regards to retrieving her keys from the suspect. Apparently, she, too, was intoxicated and opened the back of the squad car allowing the suspect (i.e. the man who had just beaten her) to flee. She was arrested for obstructing a police officer.

The incident in Carson City is just one of many domestic battery cases involving drugs or alcohol. It is widely reported that the use of drugs and alcohol cases more, and intensified, cases of domestic violence to occur.

Remember: in Las Vegas, when a domestic violence phone call is made to police officers, the cops WILL arrest one or both parties upon arrival and investigation.

If you are an individual prone to violent outburst, do everyone a favor and lay off the:

1) drugs and alcohol,

2) beating of your domestic partner/roommate/spouse,

3) combination of the above two violations of human decency.

Drink punch. Punch a punching bag. Get yourself some help with your anger management issues…and stop ruining your life and the lives of those around you.


Need help with your Domestic Battery Ticket in Las Vegas? Call our Law Office at (702) 384-1001 for a free consultation over the phone with one of Las Vegas’ best Criminal Defense Attorneys.



Domestic Battery: Heightened with Intoxicated Couples

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Breaking News: Las Vegas Boulevard & Fremont Street Will Be Allowed Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

For years, there has existed a portion of the Las Vegas population who urge the idea of converting Downtown Las Vegas into a mini “Amsterdam.” Not only would the legalization of drugs such as marijuana, and the legalization and supervision of prostitution help regulate and purify each of those respective industries, but the prospective revenue boost to the State of Nevada would be immeasurable.

As of today, Las Vegas is one, small step closer to embodying such a vision. After a twelve hour meeting this past week, the Las Vegas City Council approved zoning requirements for the placement of Las Vegas medical marijuana dispensaries on both Fremont Street and on Las Vegas Boulevard.

Though there are no limits currently placed on marijuana cultivation and production facilities in Las Vegas, there will only be 12 dispensaries allowed in the city of Las Vegas itself. By state law, there will be a total of 66 Nevada medical marijuana dispensaries. 40 of these are allotted in Clark County; the city of Las Vegas will have 12, Henderson will have 5, North Las Vegas will have 4, and Mesquite will have 1.

The City Council placed strict distance rules regarding the placement of the Las Vegas marijuana dispensaries, cultivation, and production facilities; they must be located at least 1,000 feet from schools, 300 feet from community centers and parks, and 300 feet from churches.

When making an argument for the allocation of dispensaries directly on Las Vegas Boulevard, Councilman Bob Coffin, as reported by the Las Vegas Sun, said the city already had “an abundance of pawn shops, an abundance of strip joints … a pharmacy model of marijuana dispensary is very likely to be an upgrade.”

The City Council will re-convene to further discuss the integration of Las Vegas medical marijuana facilities in a June 4th Medical Marijuana Meeting.

If you are interested in obtaining a medical marijuana card in Las Vegas, don’t take your chances with an unprofessional individual or agency. Contact the Law Office of Mark Coburn at (702) 384-1001 to safely and swiftly obtain your card.

Las Vegas’ Big Players Compete for Medical Marijuana Licenses

Breaking News: Las Vegas Boulevard & Fremont Street Will Be Allowed Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Medical Marijuana could be the New Cash Crop in Las Vegas

What makes the growth and sale of marijuana in Las Vegas so appealing to local citizens and environmentalists? Perhaps it’s the fact that marijuana can be grown in the desert using very little water.

Medical marijuana could be the new cash crop in Las Vegas because marijuana is an extremely drought-tolerant plant which does not require a significant amount of water in order to thrive.

As well, local companies currently vying for licenses to grow marijuana in Las Vegas plan to grow marijuana using hydroponics, which is considered to be the most environmentally friendly method of watering plants on the planet; this is because, when using the hydroponics method, the plants only absorb the water they need, and the remainder of the water is recycled through the system for re-use. There is nearly zero water-loss using the hydroponic method, due to the fact that there is no runoff; the only miniscule amount of water loss is through naturally occurring evaporation.

Because Nevada State Law requires that medical marijuana growers use warehouses in which to cultivate their crops, marijuana farmers will be able to grow their cash crop all year long.

Environmentally-friendly growth of marijuana aside, if you are interested in obtaining a medical marijuana card in Las Vegas, do consider this: don’t take your chances with an unprofessional individual or agency. Contact the trusted Law Office of Mark Coburn at (702) 384-1001 to safely and swiftly obtain your card.

Medical Marijuana Cards Medical Marijuana Cards

Medical Marijuana could be the New Cash Crop in Las Vegas

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Mark Coburn, Top Las Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyer

Looking for the Top Las Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyer?  Your Search is Over, Top Rated Criminal Defense Attorney has 20 Years Legal experience defending thousands of clients rights.  

It seems, these days, anytime we turn on the news we are bombarded with instances of individuals claiming that they had their rights violated by over-eager law enforcement.

Recently, a Las Vegas man, Antoine Hodges, was shot by a Metro Police Officer while filling his tank with gas at a convenience store. Hodges’ lawsuit alleges that the Metro Police officer violated the constitutional rights that should have protected him from unreasonable seizure, as well as use of unlawful deadly force.

However, according to the Clark County District Attorney’s Office, the officer involved in the shooting was justified in shooting Hodges because Hodges failed to follow the officer’s instructions to show his hands. (Note: Hodges was being questioned to begin with because he resembled a suspect in a double-homicide case.)

Not only did Hodges fail to follow the officer’s commands, but he was reported to have reached behind his back after the officer ordered the commands.

“Fearing for his life and the safety of others in the 7-Eleven, the officer fired a single shot,” reported District Attorney Steve Wolfson, to the Las Vegas Sun.

Hodges was then taken to the hospital where his wound was tended to.

Following his recovery, Hodges filed a civil rights lawsuit in Nevada’s U.S. District Court.

If you are struggling to have your own rights protected in any form and you require a Top Criminal Defense Attorney in Las Vegas, call our Law Office today at (702) 384-1001 for a free consultation.

Attorney Mark Coburn is a Premier, Top Criminal Defense Attorney in Las Vegas with over 20 years of legal experience and an admirable record of fighting aggressively and wisely in the Las Vegas Courts to protect his clients’ rights and keep them out of jail.


Mark Coburn, Top Las Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyer

Monday, May 26, 2014

A Break-down of Violent Crimes in Nevada

Criminal Defense Attorney Mark Coburn Break Down Violent Crimes in Nevada

Crime is on the rise in the Las Vegas Valley. As recently revealed in a detailed report by the FBI, Nevada ranks #2 in the nation for violent crimes. In this article you will find a detailed break-down of some of the most violent crimes in Las Vegas.

Murder as defined by Nevada Law

NRS 200.010 defines murder as “the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought either expressed or implied.” This definition implies that, in order for a person to be convicted of murder, prosecution must prove an individual acted with intent and premeditation.

Nevada Law breaks down homicide the following degrees:

· First Degree Murder

· Second Degree Murder

· Third Degree Murder (involuntary manslaughter)

· Voluntary Manslaughter

· Other Murder Charges (ex: Vehicular Manslaughter)

Manslaughter as defined by Nevada Law

Manslaughter is defined in NRS 200.040 as “the unlawful killing of a human being, without malice and without any deliberation.” For this charge to apply, one of the following criteria need to apply to the killing:

· The killing was voluntary

· The killing occurred due to a sudden heat of passion

· The killing was caused by a provocation that made the passion irresistible

· The killing occurred during the commission of an unlawful act

· The killing occurred during a lawful act performed without due caution or circumspection.

Involuntary Manslaughter as defined by Nevada Law

NRS 200.070 describes involuntary manslaughter as “the killing of a human being, without the intent to kill the person.” Because the fine distinctions between the degrees of murder and manslaughter can by complex/confusing, it is in your best interest to sit down with an experienced attorney to discuss this matter. Call our Las Vegas Criminal Law Office today for a complimentary consultation to discuss your case, at (702) 384-1001.

Robbery as defined by Nevada Law

Robbery is described as an incident when violence and intimidation are used to take another individual’s property. When weapons such as guns or knives are used, the robbery charge can be elevated to an aggravated robbery or an armed robbery.

Nevada law, NRS 200.380, defines robbery as “the unlawful taking of person property from the person of another, or in his presence, against his will, by means of force or violence or fear of injury, immediate or future, to his person or property, or the he person or property of a member of his family, or of anyone in his company at the time of the robbery.” A taking is by means of force of fear if force or fear is used to:

· Obtain or retain possession of the property

· Prevent or overcome resistance to the taking

· Facilitate escape

Kidnapping as defined by Nevada Law

NRS 200.310 defines kidnapping as “the act of taking an individual from one location to another without their consent or against their will.” As well, an individual can be charged with kidnapping by simply confining a person to a controlled space (which can also qualify as abduction.) If convicted of kidnapping, an individual faces a mandatory prison sentence of 5 years to life in prison. Different degrees of kidnapping:

· First Degree Kidnapping

· Second Degree Kidnapping

· Child Custody Kidnapping

· Kidnapping with the use of a deadly weapon

· False Imprisonment

Punishments for Violent Crimes in Nevada

The punishment varies depending upon the circumstances of the violent crime. Possible punishments in Nevada are:

· Incarceration

· Death Penalty

· Probation

· Community Service

· Fines

· Restitution

· Court ordered counseling

· Court ordered anger management

If you or someone you know has been charged with a violent crime in Las Vegas, call the Law Office of Mark Coburn today for a free consultation. Attorney Mark Coburn is a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Las Vegas with over 17 years of legal experience. He is committed to defending your rights and getting you the best results possible for your case. (702) 384-1001

Violent Crimes Broken Down By Defense Attorney Mark Coburn

A Break-down of Violent Crimes in Nevada

Sadly: Nevada Now Ranked #2 in the U.S. for Violent Crimes

There are many claims to fame associated with Las Vegas: the bright neon lights on the strip, endless buffets, vibrant nightlife, the gambling, the women, the beautiful Red Rock National Park, no state tax, brutal heat, the list goes on! Historically, too, when one mentions “Las Vegas” big names like Sinatra, Elvis, and Howard Hughes come to mind.

But one of the less desirable claims to fame Las Vegas now has to offer is a recently reported ranking of #2 in the entire nation for violent crimes.

This year, the FBI released a crime report tracking major violent and non-violent crimes, and Nevada ranks only behind Tennessee as the most violent state in the U.S.

The report noted that some of the causes of the high incident of Nevada violent crimes include: higher poverty rate and lower education levels.

Arrests for violent crimes in Las Vegas are becoming more frequent, and being arrested and/or convicted of a Las Vegas violent crime such as battery in Las Vegas or assault charges in Las Vegas can have a long, negative, lasting impact on your life and freedom; you may lose your immigration status, your right to own a gun, your right to vote, your job, your future employment opportunities, your peace of mind, and worse of all: your freedom. Examples of violent crimes in Las Vegas include:

· Kidnapping

· Domestic Violence

· Child Abuse

· Assault and Battery

· Aggravated Assault

· Aggravated Battery

· Manslaughter

· Murder / Homicide

· Robbery

· Robbery with a deadly weapon

· Sexual Assault

· Rape

If you or someone you know has been charged with any of the above crimes, it is in your best interest to consult with an experienced Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer immediately. Depending on your circumstances and the facts in your case, your crime could be felony carrying an extremely harsh range of punishments if left unattended to. Call the Law Office of Mark Coburn today at (702) 384-1001 for a free consultation on your behalf.

Attorney Mark Coburn Discusses Tougher Drunk Driving Threshold Proposed For Las Vegas, Nevada

Sadly: Nevada Now Ranked #2 in the U.S. for Violent Crimes