Monday, April 21, 2014

New App Pairs Breathalyzer Test With Smartphones

There is a new app that promises to save lives by pairing a breathalyzer test with a piece of technology everyone seems to have today: a smartphone.

The App is called “Alcohoot” and claims to be the first of its kind. The creators say the app is just as accurate as the breathalyzers used by law enforcement, and they claim the App discourages alcohol users from getting behind the wheel of a car after they have been drinking.

Ben Biron, one of the App creators, says the App is easy to use, affordable (less than $100) and will aid in the fight against drunk driving.

“We wanted to do something that had a social mission and not just generate money,” Biron said.

Alcohoot works by plugging the breathalyzer device into a smartphone’s audio jack, then opening the App, blowing into the breathalyzer–and within seconds, the user’s blood alcohol content (BAC) pops up. But that’s not all. The App also brings up numbers for taxi companies and even a user’s contact list to call a friend for a ride home. The App also lets users track how much they have been drinking using a chart.

FOX Carolina wanted to see how well Alcohoot works against officers’ breathalyzers. FOX Carolina photographer Dal Kalsi volunteered to help by drinking three 16 ounce beers. Then the Wingate Police Department tested his BAC using a certified law enforcement field breathalyzer. His BAC registered at 0.03. Then he tested Alcohoot twice, which came within 0.002 of a percentage of the police’s test.

The officer said despite Alcohoot’s accuracy, he did not recommend using it to decide whether or not to drive after drinking. Biron agreed. “My opinion is don’t drink and drive at all,” said Biron. “My opinion is buzz driving is drunk driving.”

Alcohoot is not available yet but is accepting pre-order online for $75.

Attorney Mark Coburn Discusses Tougher Drunk Driving Threshold Proposed For Las Vegas, Nevada Attorney Mark Coburn Discusses New App Pairs Breathalyzer Test With Smartphones

If you or someone you know is facing intimidating DUI charges in Las Vegas, Nevada, call DUI Attorney Mark Coburn today at 702 384 1001. Your consultation is free.


New App Pairs Breathalyzer Test With Smartphones

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Attorney Mark Coburn Discusses Tougher Drunk Driving Threshold Proposed For Las Vegas, Nevada

Attorney Mark Coburn Discusses Tougher Drunk Driving Threshold Proposed

For the past decade, the standard blood alcohol threshold has been 0.08, however, as recent reports suggest– the National Transportation Safety Board is pushing for a nationwide threshold of 0.05. In addition to this much stricter regulation regarding drunk drivers on the road, the board would like to see faster actions implanted to take away offenders’ licenses and driving right after they’ve been charged with a DUI.

Alcohol-related crashes kill over 10,000 people each year, which is why the NTSB believes a more restrictive law must be placed. Just this Tuesday, they recommended that all 50 states adopt a blood-alcohol content (BAC) cutoff of 0.05 compared to the 0.08 standard.

“Most Americans think that we’ve solved the problem of impaired driving, but in fact, it’s still a national epidemic,” NTSB Chairman Deborah Hersman said.

She went on to state that progress has been made over the years to reduce DUIs, including a variety of federal and state policies, tougher law enforcement, and more solid advocacy, however, she said too many people are still dying on the roads.

“In the last 30 years, more than 440,000 people have perished in this country due to alcohol-impaired driving. What will be our legacy 30 years from now?” Hersman asked. “If we don’t tackle alcohol-impaired driving now, when will we find the will to do so?”

Under current 0.08 law, an average 180-pound male will hit the threshold after about four drinks over an hour. That same person could reach the 0.05 threshold after just two to three drinks over the same period.

The NTSB also recommended that states expand laws allowing police to swiftly confiscate licenses from drivers who exceed the blood alcohol limits, and it is pushing for laws requiring all first-time offenders to have ignition locking devices that prevent cars from starting until breath samples are analyzed.

More on this news story soon, but in the meantime, if you have been charged with a DUI or Drunk Driving Charge in Las Vegas, and you require an exceptional Las Vegas DUI Attorney, call the Law Office of Mark Coburn today for a free consultation regarding the details of your case. (702) 384-1001.

Attorney Mark Coburn has helped thousands of clients over the last 17 years facing incriminating DUI charges in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Law Offices of Mark Coburn Free Consultation

Attorney Mark Coburn Discusses Tougher Drunk Driving Threshold Proposed For Las Vegas, Nevada

Monday, April 14, 2014

Soon DUI Blood Tests May Require A Warrant!

A recent ruling made by the U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday could have an effect on Las Vegas Metro’s ability to arrest individuals suspected of driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

The Supreme Court ruled that police must try to obtain a search warrant from a local judge before ordering the DUI blood test for the suspect.

That’s right, DUI Blood Test May Require A Warrant

This law would directly affect Las Vegas due to the fact that there are so many DUI suspects in the Valley. This year alone, Nevada Highway

Criminal Defense Attorney For DUI Charges in Las Vegas, NV Criminal Defense Attorney For DUI Charges in Las Vegas, NV

Patrol troopers have arrested 355 people for drunk driving in southern Nevada…and we’re not even half way through the year!

Currently, state troopers depend on both breath and blood tests to determine a person’s blood alcohol content. National Highway Patrol spokesman, Jeremie Elliott, said that most of the time, drivers consent to tests without a fight.

“It’s not an issue,” Elliott reported.

The Supreme Court ruling was inspired by a recent incident in Missouri when a suspect objected to being forced by police to have a blood test without a warrant. ”When somebody is piercing your skin, putting a needle in your vein, that is unreasonable and that would require a warrant,” said Garrett Ogata, a representative for people facing DUI charges.

Nevada currently has what’s known as “implied consent” meaning that drivers must submit a sample if they’re on a public road. And for now ,this current law is expected to be enforced.

Mark Coburn Criminal Defense Attorney in Las Vegas Mark Coburn Criminal Defense Attorney in Las Vegas

If you or someone you know if facing intimidating Drunk Driving Charges and requires a DUI Attorney in Las Vegas, call the Law Office of Mark Coburn for a free consultation today. (702) 384-1001

Soon DUI Blood Tests May Require A Warrant!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Defending Tourists in Las Vegas

Were you arrested for criminal charge while visiting Las Vegas? If so, Attorney Mark Coburn may be able to handle your entire case without you returning to Las Vegas. If you are charged with a misdemeanor offense, Mark Coburn may be able to convince the court to waive your appearance at many–if not all–of your court dates. For clients who live outside the state of Nevada, we strive to help you avoid costly and unnecessary trips to court while we are aggressively fighting the charges.

Gun and Weapons Charges Attorney Mark Coburn Criminal Defense Law Firm


Defending Tourists in Las Vegas

Criminal Defense of Las Vegas Mark Coburn Areas of Practice

Criminal Defense of Las Vegas Areas of Practice

Driving Under The Influence

Fighting to Protect Your Rights in DUI Cases

Being arrested in Las Vegas for a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) is typically the starting point of a drawn-out, stressful, costly, and embarrassing process that involves multiple Courts and the Department of Motor Vehicles. If you have been charged with a DUI, you could be facing extremely severe penalties including: jail time, expensive fines, community service, and loss of your driver’s license. Because DUI cases can become quite complex, it is important to have an experienced DUI attorney on your side to aggressively protect your interests and make sure you’re treated fairly. You have just found that attorney.


If you fail to appear in court at the time and date indicated on your Criminal Offense case, the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. You may also be issued a warrant if you failed to follow a previous court order. For example, if you did not pay a previously issued fine ordered by the court, or you did not complete community service, or you failed to complete court ordered classes.

Domestic Violence and Battery

Battery and Domestic Violence charges can be the most disruptive, difficult charges to fight. These charges can result in marital counseling, domestic violence counseling, anger management, alcohol abuse classes, restraining orders, and jail time—even when the so-called victim chooses not to press charges. In the State of Nevada, once the police have charged an individual with domestic violence, the state prosecutors will go forward with the charges in nearly all cases.

Drug Charges Criminal Defense in Las Vegas

Many people falsely believe Nevada is lenient when it comes to the prosecution of drug crimes. The fact remains that Nevada has some of the toughest laws in the country when it comes to drug possession. Those laws are strictly enforced throughout Clark County and the greater Las Vegas area. This has become obvious with the recent Las Vegas drug arrests and prosecution of such celebrities as Paris Hilton and Bruno Mars.

Prostitution/Solicitation Charges in Las Vegas 

Much debate surrounds the sex industry in Las Vegas. Nevada remains the only state to allow legal “licensed houses of prostitution.” However, Las Vegas and Clark County Nevada do not allow for licensed houses of prostitution.  There are only certain select towns and counties in Nevada that have legalized prostitution. Local law enforcement officers in the Las Vegas area and throughout Clark County use undercover officers in sting operations to target individuals engaging in prostitution, pandering, sex trafficking, and running illegal brothels.

Theft Crimes Criminal Defense 

Theft is defined as the unlawful taking of another person’s property without their consent and with the intent to deprive the person of the property permanently. Theft is often listed alongside property crimes such as arson and vandalism.

Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney for Casino Debts, and Bad Checks

People are attracted to Las Vegas for the night life, the shows, and the gambling. In order to accommodate the gamblers, it is relatively easy to get a casino marker in a Las Vegas casino. However, when you leave Las Vegas it’s important that all your casino debts are paid, otherwise you will face severe felony consequences.

Las Vegas Defense Attorney for Criminal Record Sealing

Attorney Mark Coburn has over 17 years of legal experience and runs an active and successful Criminal Defense Practice located in Las Vegas, Nevada. He is able to help anyone needing to have their records sealed, provided their offenses are eligible and the proper time limits have been met. Contact Mark Coburn’s office with your questions regarding record sealing.


Criminal Defense of Las Vegas Mark Coburn Areas of Practice

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Las Vegas DUI Attorney Mark Coburn (702) 384-1001

Attorney Relationships

Law Office of Mark Coburn & Attorney Relationships

Building strong relationships with our clients is one of our highest priorities. We are committed to being advocates for you during every stage of the case. Our Law Office will provide you with the highest quality criminal defense representation, period.

Attorney Mark Coburn has successfully defended thousands of clients with all types of criminal defense cases including both misdemeanor and felonies. The outcome of your case depends on the specific facts of the individual circumstances. Based on the details obtained during our initial conversation, we will determine how much your case will cost, and we will give you a flat rate fee for our potential services. Our team will then work diligently to get the best possible results for your individual case.

Trusted Southern Nevada Criminal Defense Attorney Mark Coburn

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Attorney Relationships

Monday, April 7, 2014

Criminal Defense Attorney Mark Coburn for Sex Crimes in Las Vegas

Criminal Defense Attorney Mark Coburn for Sex Crimes in Las Vegas

Criminal accusations that pertain to sex crimes have severe and long-ranging consequences. Being investigated, accused or charged with a sex crime in Las Vegas may be devastating in terms of the possible lifelong ramifications. As with any serious crime, you may face extensive prison time, steep fines, and shame from your friends, family, and co-workers. You will also face the possibility of being forced to register as a sex offender; this carries a social stigma that can seriously affect your personal and professional relationships and make you ineligible for a long list of employment opportunities. As well, information about you/your conviction may be available for anyone with internet access.

At the Criminal Defense Law Office of Mark Coburn, we understand that the accusations of your sexual offense may have been rooted in exaggerated claims and false allegations, but even so, because of the stigma surrounding sex offenses, Las Vegas juries may walk in with certain prejudice. A skilled attorney can overcome that prejudice and expose the weaknesses in the case against you. Here is a partial list of the cases we can help you with:

  • NRS 200.366 Sexual Assault

  • NRS 200.366 Date Rape

  • NRS 200.368 Statutory Sexual Seduction

  • NRS 200.373 Spousal Rape / Marital Rape

  • NRS 200.485 Battery Domestic Violence

  • NRS 200.571 Harassment

  • NRS 200.575 Stalking

  • NRS 200.603 Peeping, Spying, Peering into a dwelling

  • NRS 200.604 Capturing Image of Private area of Another Person

  • NRS 200.710 Using a minor in a Pornography Production

  • NRS 200.720 Advertising Child Pornography

  • NRS 200.730 Child Pornography Possession

  • NRS 201.180 Incest

  • NRS 201.190 Sodomy

  • NRS 201.210 Open or Gross Lewdness

  • NRS 201.220 Indecent Exposure

  • NRS 201.230 Lewdness with a child under 14 years old

  • NRS 201.300 Pandering

  • NRS 201.354 Prostitution and Solicitation

  • NRS 200.310 Kidnapping / Abduction for sexual purposes

  • NRS 201.090 Contributing to the Delinquency of a minor

  • NRS 201.2565 Exhibition and Sale of Obscene Material to minors

  • NRS 201.540 Improper Sexual Conduct between teachers and students

Sexual Assault in Las Vegas

Under Nevada Revised Statutes § 200.366, “sexual assault” covers charges that many may call “rape.” This charge refers to an instance where any person subjects another person to any kind of sexual penetration without that person’s consent. The penetration may be vaginal, anal or oral, and both the perpetrator and the victim may be either male or female.Lack of consent may be due to force, or, it may be because the victim was drugged by GHB or a “date rape” drug against his or her will. A person also may not give consent if he or she is physically or mentally incapable of giving consent because he or she is unconscious, mentally ill or disabled.If the victim suffered substantial bodily harm, a person convicted of sexual assault may be sentenced to life without parole, or life with the possibility of parole after 15 years. If the victim was 16 or younger and there was substantial bodily harm, then the sentence may be life without the possibility of parole.It is always a crime, often called “statutory rape,” for a person 18 or older to have sex with someone younger than 16. Nevada Revised Statutes § 200.368 calls this “statutory sexual seduction.” If the accused is younger than 21, it is a gross misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and a fine up to $2,000. If the accused is 21 or older, it is a Class C felony, punishable by a minimum year in prison with a maximum of five years, and a fine up to $10,000.Lewdness Charges

“Lewdness” is a broad term under Nevada law. Laws prohibiting lewdness may include sexual penetration, but can also include acts like groping, under certain situations.

It is a gross misdemeanor for a first offense and a Class D felony for any subsequent offense of open and gross lewdness.

Open and gross lewdness, under Nevada Revised Statutes § 201.210, means committing any sexual act in public. Police may arrest you for open and gross lewdness even in a place that is privately owned, if it is open to the public in Las Vegas. This includes nightclubs, bars or hotel pools.

You may also face indecent or obscene exposure charges for exposing breasts or genitals in a sexual manner, in a public place. Indecent or obscene exposure charges carry the same penalties as open or gross lewdness, and often go hand-in-hand. You may be charged with both offenses.

Lewdness with a child includes sexual acts with a child younger than 14 that may not be covered under statutory sexual seduction.

Prostitution is NOT Legal in Las Vegas / Clark County

Many people have the misconception that prostitution is legal in Las Vegas but this is not at all true. Legal prostitution at licensed brothels only exists in a few rural counties in Nevada. Under Nevada law, prostitution is illegal in any county with a population of more than 400,000 people. This includes Clark County and all of Las Vegas.

Prostitution-related crimes are punishable by law and prosecuted severely in Clark County. These include:

  • Engaging in Prostitution

  • Solicitation for Prostitution

  • Pandering

  • Advertising Prostitution

False Accusations

False accusations are more common than you might imagine, especially when sex crime allegations are made between people in a consensual sexual relationship. Most people make false allegations out of fear or due to pressure from peers or police. For the falsely accused, it is crucial to get legal representation right away. Many people are prosecuted and convicted based on false allegations so it is necessary to fight the charges immediately.

There are a wide variety of sex crimes in Nevada, and it is necessary to have a well informed and experienced lawyer to help you navigate the legal system.

Criminal Law Office of Attorney Mark Coburn | Nevada Sex Crime Defense Attorney

If you have been accused of a sex crime, it is important you contact an experienced Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney as soon as possible. Attorney Mark Coburn, A Top Rated Criminal Defense Lawyer will guide you through the legal process and create a strong defense against all levels of accusations towards you. With over 17 years of legal experience and an inside knowledge of the Las Vegas system of justice, it is Mark Coburn’s mission to protect your rights and your freedom. Call 702-384-1001 today for a free consultation.

Criminal Defense Attorney Mark Coburn for Sex Crimes in Las Vegas

The Law Offices of Mark Coburn Top Rated Criminal Defense Attorney In Las Vegas, NV

Bail Bonds

Ask us about our Free O.R. (Own Recognizance Release) (in many cases)

-Legal definition of Own Recognizance = the basis for a judge allowing a person accused of a crime to be free while awaiting trial, without posting bail, on the defendant’s own promise to appear and his/her reputation.

-If you do not qualify for an O.R., we may be able to lower your bail amount by filing a motion and setting a bail hearing.

Las Vegas Premier Criminal Defense Attorney Mark Coburn

If you have been arrested or charged with a criminal offense in Las Vegas, you have a limited time to fight the charges. It is crucial to go over your case with an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Criminal charges can have a significant impact on your future, and it’s important to obtain legal representation from a lawyer who will educate you on the criminal defense process and aggressively fight for you in court.

At the Law Office of Mark Coburn, we are ready to provide your criminal case with unsurpassed legal representation. Attorney Mark Coburn is consistently successful in achieving the best possible resolutions for his clients. As an experienced Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney, Mr. Coburn is able to defend the toughest cases, guiding each case through the system in a way that brings you the most desirable results possible.

Contact our Law Office today for a free evaluation of your case so we’ll be able to discuss your rights and options and begin building your defense immediately.

Don’t gamble with your future

During one of the most stressful times of your life, you must make the right decision concerning your representation. There are many things to consider when choosing an attorney to represent you in a criminal case. The most important factors are the attorney’s knowledge of the criminal justice system, experience, and a trusted reputation. You should also feel comfortable discussing the personal details of your case with your attorney, and you must be confident that you are choosing an attorney you want speaking for you in court, telling your side of the story.

Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer - Mark Coburn

Successfully representing a Nevada criminal case requires a high level of skill, experience, and an understanding of Nevada’s complex laws. Unless you are willing to accept the maximum penalties, you must hire a qualified attorney to assist you with your defense options including: pursuit of case dismissal, plea bargain negotiations, and trying the case in court. With over 16 years of legal experience and thousands of satisfied clients, we are Southern Nevada’s most trusted premier Law Office, committed to preserving your rights and defending your case before, during, and after criminal legal proceedings.

Contact The Law Office of Mark Coburn today at (702) 382-2000 to learn how a dedicated Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney can help you.

During this troubling time, it is important that you have someone unconditionally by your side to advocate and protect your rights and interests. Attorney Mark Coburn is an intelligent, reputable Criminal Defense Attorney licensed with the Nevada State Bar. He has the knowledge, education, and experience to ensure that you receive unsurpassed legal representation, and he will provide your case with personal and attentive care to ensure the least amount of stress and inconvenience possible for you.

Client-Attorney relationship

Building strong relationships with our clients is one of our highest priorities. We are committed to being advocates for you during every stage of the case. Our Law Office will provide you with the highest quality criminal defense representation, period.

Attorney Mark Coburn has successfully defended thousands of clients with all types of criminal defense cases including both misdemeanor and felonies. The outcome of your case depends on the specific facts of the individual circumstances. Based on the details obtained during our initial conversation, we will determine how much your case will cost, and we will give you a flat rate fee for our potential services. Our team will then work diligently to get the best possible results for your individual case.

Fighting for your best results

If you have been arrested for a criminal offense, the indirect consequences may be much greater than just the punishment that the court will announce. Many indirect consequences occur after an arrest, and these consequences can last for a lifetime. A criminal conviction can be a career-ending event for professions that require special certifications. A criminal record sometimes disqualifies teachers, nurses, doctors, pilots or members of the military from working in a chosen profession, even if the case is ultimately resolved without a conviction.

A Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney can help you lessen the direct and indirect consequences of criminal charges by getting your criminal record sealed if you are eligible. Sealing a criminal record is one important step in avoiding certain indirect consequences after a criminal investigation.

Defending Tourists in Las Vegas

Were you arrested for criminal charge while visiting Las Vegas? If so, Attorney Mark Coburn may be able to handle your entire case without you returning to Las Vegas. If you are charged with a misdemeanor offense, Mr. Coburn may convince the court to waive your appearance at many–if not all–of your court dates. For clients who live outside the state of Nevada, we strive to help you avoid costly and unnecessary trips to court while we are aggressively fighting the charges.




The Law Offices of Mark Coburn Top Rated Criminal Defense Attorney In Las Vegas, NV