Thursday, February 27, 2014

Battery and Domestic Violence Criminal Defense

Battery and Domestic Violence charges can be the most disruptive, difficult charges to fight. These charges can result in marital counseling, domestic violence counseling, anger management, alcohol abuse classes, restraining orders, and jail time—even when the so-called victim chooses not to press charges. In the State of Nevada, once the police have charged an individual with domestic violence, the state prosecutors will go forward with the charges in nearly all cases.
These charges can also affect your personal and professional life, especially if you are faced with incarceration in a county jail, city jail, or state prison. It is possible to get a conviction on a false allegation of domestic violence if you do not fight the charges with an experienced attorney. Convictions for any form of domestic violence charge can have devastating effects on your employment, family law cases, and other aspects of your life.
If you have been arrested for domestic violence, it is important that you contact a strong Defense Attorney immediately to help defend your case in court.